Strong Majorities Support Keeping Roe vs. Wade, Legal Abortion: Poll

Even as the Supreme Court is poised to strike down Roe vs. Wade and leave the question of abortion's legality to the states, a Monmouth University poll finds strong support for keeping it legal

NBC Universal, Inc.

Despite signs it is about to be reversed, strong majorities of Americans support preserving Roe vs. Wade, as well as the concept of legal abortion itself, according to a new poll released Wednesday.

Some 57% of people believe Roe should stand, and 64% believe abortion should be unreservedly legal or legal with some limitations, a Monmouth University poll found. (The poll was conducted after a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe vs. Wade leaked earlier this month.)

A majority of every single demographic in the poll - by gender, age, family status, race, college education, income, and red state/blue state split - said they supported preserving both abortion generally and Roe vs. Wade specifically.

Just 8% of respondents said abortion should always be illegal, even in cases of rape, incest or where the mother's life was in danger. That's down from the last two times Monmouth polled the question, last September and the summer of 2019.

View on AbortionMaleFemale
Always legal2639
Legal w/limitations3627
Illegal with rape/incest/mother's life exceptions2725
Always illegal88
Source: Monmouth University Polling Institute

But respondents were split on the question of what comes next if the high court does strike down Roe -- 44% said Congress should legalize abortion nationwide, while 43% said the choice should be left to the states.

The telephone poll of 807 adults was conducted May 5-9, and has a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.

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