October 31, 2017 11:00 am

Toddler Found in Maggot-Filled Diaper

A couple in Lexington, North Carolina has been charged with felony child abuse after maggots were found in the diaper of an 18-month-old baby. The baby was one of seven children in the care of 25-year-old Jamie Leigh Hiatt and 26-year old Michael Patrick McKnight. They were jailed on $100,000 bond each. According to Lexington police, officers performing a welfare check at a home last Friday discovered seven children all under the age of 6 that were malnourished and unclean. Robin Hiatt, who said she is the paternal grandmother of at least one of the children, said she called police Friday night after she saw photos that indicated the children were severely malnourished. Police said two 18-month-old twins and a 1-year-old were taken to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. The other children are in foster care or family custody. Hiatt said the last time she saw the children was about a year ago, and has been trying to find them ever since. Read more: http://bit.ly/2A4DyNw


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