Source: Heart Attack Killed Photographer, Not Lady Gaga

A photographer suffered a heart attack and died in New York City on Tuesday night – but not because of Lady Gaga, as some outlets online have reported.

The star walked the runway in yet another wild outfit at Cipriani 42nd Street on Monday night, causing online reports that celebrity photographer A.J. Sokalner suffered a heart attack after spotting her – which a source at his agency, ACE Pictures, strenuously denied to Access Hollywood on Wednesday.

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"He finished shooting [the event], he was packing up his cameras and he died of what is believed to be a fairly major heart attack," the source told Access, refuting several rumors. "The event was finished, he wasn't on the ladder, it was nothing to do with Gaga."

The source went on to say that A.J., who was in his late 50s, had been in poor health in recent weeks.

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"He hasn't been well for a long time, he was late 50s, he had a heart attack," the source said. "The emergency technicians arrived and his heart wasn't beating and he wasn't breathing."

Gaga has had her own brush with heart ailments recently – the singer's father recently had open-heart surgery.

"He's feeling much better, he's already looking like a million bucks," she told Access' Billy Bush last week.

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