
Follow these 10 rules to have a happy, purposeful experience when you travel, say authors of international bestseller ‘Ikigai'

Follow these 10 rules to have a happy, purposeful experience when you travel, say authors of international bestseller ‘Ikigai’
Mathieu Young/Getty Images

A vacation is a great escape from our day-to-day responsibilities, but it is important to keep etiquette top of mind when visiting new destinations and exploring different cultures.

There are right and wrong ways to travel, according to HĂ©ctor GarcĂ­a and Francesc Miralles, authors of "The Four-Way Path: A Guide to Purushartha and India's Spiritual Traditions for a Life of Happiness, Success, and Purpose."

GarcĂ­a and Miralles also wrote the international bestseller, "Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life."

"The purpose of travel is not simply to arrive at your destination and take photos," GarcĂ­a and Miralles wrote. A trip outside of your home should leave you a more empathetic person "with a more global and humane perspective," they said.

GarcĂ­a and Miralles propose you be a "spiritual traveler." "A real trip is a transformative experience," GarcĂ­a and Miralles wrote. "After this kind of trip, we return home as different people."

Here are the 10 rules they say you should follow to have a more purposeful experience when you travel, from their book, "The Four-Way Path."

10 rules for a happy and purposeful experience when you travel

  1. Avoid traveling just to put a flag on the map and say, "I was here."
  2. Leave your prejudices and preconceived ideas at home. Do not judge but learn along the way.
  3. Do not be guided by the "must-sees" in every place. Allow your feet to take you places that don't appear on the map.
  4. Look, listen, smell, taste, touch...feel!
  5. Mix with the locals to experience life like those who live there.
  6. Getting lost can be a path to the greatest discoveries.
  7. The soul of a place is in its people, not its monuments.
  8. Travel with words: get hold of books about places you'd like to see. The pleasure of travel begins in the preparations.
  9. Always take a notebook and something to write with. Your next adventure might inspire you to write a book.
  10. Learn some of the language. Even if it's only a dozen words, it is a sign of respect toward the locals and will help you connect with them.

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