Adventure Aquarium

Anchor, the beloved great hammerhead shark at New Jersey's Adventure Aquarium, dies

Adventure Aquarium

A fan favorite at Adventure Aquarium in Camden, New Jersey, has died.

In a social media post, the aquarium said Anchor, the great hammerhead shark, was a tremendous ambassador for his species for 20 years.

They said he taught all who met him about shark conservation and the hammerhead’s vital role in the health of coastal marine ecosystems.

"Our thoughts are with the animal care and guest experience teams who knew him best, as they’ve lost a close friend," the aquarium said.

Officials did not release how Anchor passed away but asked the public to share their favorite memories of him on their social media channels.

Adventure Aquarium is home to the largest collection of sharks in the Northeast, including Pacific blacktip reef sharks, silky sharks, sandbar sharks, sand tiger sharks, nurse sharks, bamboo sharks and epaulette sharks. 

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