33 Former Circus Lions Arrive at South African Sanctuary
Thirty-three former circus lions were air-lifted from Colombia and Peru and brought to a sanctuary in South Africa, where they will live out the rest of their lives. Many of them have lived most or all of their lives without seeing much vegetation, which they now have. The trip was coordinated by the animal rights group 'Animal Defenders International.
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One of the 33 lions is ready for release into its new enclosure at the Emoya "Big Cat Sanctuary" on May 1, 2016, in Vaalwater, South Africa.
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One of the 33 lions enjoys his new enclosure at the Emoya "Big Cat Sanctuary" on May 1, 2016, in Vaalwater, South Africa.
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A lion is moved for release into its new enclosure.
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Animal Defenders International worker Yani Mateus gives one of the 33 lions water ahead of its release into its new enclosure at the Emoya 'Big Cat Sanctuary' on May 1, 2016, in Vaalwater, South Africa. The animals have been released into small open areas with natural vegetation, something that many of the animals have never experienced before.
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People wait to greet the arrival of two lorries carrying 33 Lions to a private reserve on May 1, 2016, in Vaalwater, South Africa. A total of 33 former circus lions from Peru and Columbia were airlifted to South Africa and released to live out their lives on the private reserve in the Limpopo Province.
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Two Lions squabble through the fence of their new enclosure at the Emoya 'Big Cat Sanctuary' on May 1, 2016, in Vaalwater, South Africa.
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Meat is prepared to feed the lions in Vaalwater, South Africa. The trip to bring the lions here has been coordinated by the animal rights group Animal Defenders International.
A lion in his new enclosure at the Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary on May 1, 2016, in Vaalwater, South Africa. Twenty-four of the animals were rescued in raids on circuses operating in Peru with the rest voluntarily surrendered by a circus in Colombia a bill was passed prohibiting circuses from using wild animals.