WNBC and Telemundo 47 are holding a Day of Giving for disaster relief Monday.
In service to the tri-state community and in support of friends and families of viewers impacted by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, and by the recent earthquake in Mexico, Telemundo 47 / WNJU and NBC 4 New York / WNBC will hold a special community call-to-action anchored by a one-day telethon scheduled for September 25.
Monday’s telethon is part of a concerted effort spearheaded by Telemundo stations across the country. On this day Telemundo and NBC-owned stations will host phone banks in collaboration with the American Red Cross to collect funds for victims and communities impacted by severe weather-related events.
Viewers can call 1-800-596-6567. Press “1” for instructions in English and “2” for instructions in Spanish. Donors can designate their funds to go to the Red Cross’ recovery efforts of their choice.
For more on how to help, the following organizations are conducting relief efforts for hurricane and earthquake victims.
Catholic Charities USA: The official domestic relief agency of the U.S. Catholic Church, Catholic Charities USA, is asking people to support their Maria relief efforts by donating online, by phone at +1 (800) 919-9338 or by texting CCUSADISASTER to 71777. 100 percent of donated funds go directly toward disaster efforts, according to the website.
CONPRmetidos: This Puerto Rican non-profit is raising funds to support hurricane victims. “We anticipate the funds will be used first for immediate needs of food, shelter and water and then transition to long term recovery efforts,” the organization says, having set a fundraising goal of $150,000. Donate here.
Dominica American Relief & Development Association, Inc.: This association, which was organized in 1979 as a way for people from the island of Dominica living in the New York area to help their homeland after Hurricane David, has started a GoFundMe page for victims of the hurricane on the island.
Global Giving: This crowdfunding network has a fundraising goal of $2 million. “This fund will provide relief to survivors in the form of emergency supplies like food, water, and medicine in addition to longer-term recovery assistance to help residents recover and rebuild,” the group says. Donate here.
Save the Children: Another organization dedicated to helping children in particular is asking for donations here.
Team Rubicon: Team Rubicon is looking for military veterans and “kickass civilians” such as first responders and medical professionals to join recovery efforts. Volunteers should be prepared to "get dirty, from chainsaw operations to muck-outs," the groups says on its website. Apply to be a volunteer here.
UNICEF USA: The United Nations Children’s Fund has sent staff and humanitarian supplies such as water purification tablets, tents and hygiene kits to Caribbean islands. The program is asking for donations, saying on its website, “Children are literally in the eye of the storm. The Hurricane season has forced the most vulnerable children in the Caribbean into even more danger.”