Strangers' Wedding Photos Turn Up as Staten Island Family Returns Home After Sandy

A Staten Island family is hoping to find the owners of a set of wedding photos that washed into their driveway during Sandy. Stacey Bell reports

A Staten Island family is hoping to find the owners of a set of wedding photos that washed into their driveway during Sandy. 

When Sandy flooded Dominic and Patricia Guinta's Seaford Street home with 11 feet of water, friends of the couple quickly arrived to help clean up. Those friends found some waterlogged photos and took them back to Pennsylvania to dry them out.

They mailed the 53 black and white wedding photos back to the Guintas after Sandy, but the pictures went straight to storage while the couple spent a year repairing their home. It wasn't until last week that they found the pictures while they began remodeling the garage. 

"At first I thought they were my mother's wedding pictures. Then I looked and thought, 'Wait a minute. This isn't my family,'" said Patricia Guinta. 

Patricia Guinta grew up in Brooklyn and she believes the photos may have been taken there. 

"Anyone would be happy to get them back," she said. "Maybe it's a grandmother or an aunt." 

"They look to me like they were taken in the '60s. They look like someone's proofs," she said. 

The photo were in remarkably good condition. Patricia Guinta even put them in a photo album so they wouldn't get flat. 

The Guintas know the emotional and physical toll Sandy inflicted, and remain grateful for the kindness and generosity they received after the storm. They're hoping to pay forward some of the help they got by making sure the precious wedding photos find their way back to the family. 

"We had so much help. If we could find these people, it would be great because they would be really happy," said Dominic Guinta.

Do you know who these photos belong to? Please get in touch with us by tweeting @StaceyBell4NY or emailing

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