New York City

Sanitation Department Pitches Idea on How to Reduce NYC's Continuing Rat Problem

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A rodent is seen eating seeds in New York, NY, United States

We've all seen (and heard, and even smelled) them throughout the city, and the problem is only seemingly getting worse — but one city department is offering a new idea on how to deal with New York City's ongoing rat problem.

The Department of Sanitation wants to change the times that trash is hitting the curbs at night, so that the waste is not out as long and giving the rodents less time to smell and go after it.

Currently, garbage can go to the curb at 4 p.m. the day before it is scheduled for collection. But the DSNY wants New Yorkers to start putting out their trash later at night, around 8 p.m.

Their idea does come with an exception: If the refuse goes into a can or bin, it could be put out a little earlier, at 6 p.m.

The department believes that by limiting the amount of time the garbage is out on the street, the rats will be seen less and have less access to food.

The idea is just a proposal, for now. Any rule change would take six months to go into effect, if approved.

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