A French architect’s dream about the future of living and working in New York City involves Roosevelt Island in a big way – a really big way.
In renderings, the proposed building looks as if it’s a cruise ship is docked off the island, but instead would actually be a massive new living and working complex that extends 160 floors into the sky. Trees are features on almost every floor of the design, inside and out.
The environmentally friendly behemoth would also be powered (at least in part) by wind and solar power. Designers say the idea is that people could both live and work here, minimizing the building’s carbon footprint.
French architecture firm Rescubika is behind the proposal, with the design released online recently. While many who were asked about it seemed to approve of it, enjoying its appearance and its eco-friendliness, others were more realistic.
“By the time the build it, I’ll be dead,” said one woman.
While she may not be wrong, the design is only an architectural dream – an idea of what the city of tomorrow could look like. But given recent new buildings that have sprung up across the city over the past few years, one thing is certain: The iconic skyline is always changing.
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation – which oversees island development – has no plans to move forward with the development, but did say that they were “honored and appreciative of the proposed building concept … a state-of-the-art concept that could help propel themes of environmental protection and conservancy.”