Pepsi Sign Rises Slowly in Queens

The Queens Pepsi sign has been in a state of unrest since last December, when broker blogger Andrew Fine first reported its deconstruction for a short move upstream, "so as not to obstruct the view from The View," a new waterfront condo. 

Only three months later, Fine writes on his blog, "The Pepsi Sign is almost back in LIC. Well, partially."

The reasoning for that "partially" clause lies in the sign's current state - which reads "P-E-I-C," absent of the "S", the essential second "P" and "ola" to make any sense what-so-ever.  But regardless of its disarray, we're getting closer to witnessing the reimergance of the famous Queens landmark.  Any observant New Yorker knows its absense leaves old lady Queen looking quite naked on a clear, Manhattan night overlooking the East River.

Curiously, the sign, which is rising just a few hundred yards north of its previous location, stands smack dab at the spot where area residents found forty-six boxes of self-help books, videotapes and loose financial documents earlier this month.

Those documents, it turns out, were Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities trade confirmations, which "appeared to document sales and purchases of blue-chip stocks," from $24,062.50 in Exxon to $7,284.38 in Disney.  They were abandoned there by lazy dumpers, improperly disposing them on behalf of Manhattan resident Juliet Nierenberg, a Madoff investor.

If only she had invested in Pepsi. 

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