
Paterson Council Race Decided by One Vote After Recount

NBC Universal, Inc.

Voter fraud allegations continue to plague the recent election in Paterson, New Jersey -- especially now that a recount has determined one race was decided by just a single vote.

The Passaic County Board of Elections says Councilman Shahin Khalique narrowly won the race that decides the balance of power on the council, which controls hundreds of millions of tax dollar spending. In the recount, Khalique had 1727 votes and his opponent, former Councilman Mohammed Akhtaruzzaman, had 1726. 

This comes after the initial election had Kalique up by six votes – but then an initial recount had Khalique trailing by one vote – before he was ultimately declared the winner on Monday.

Allegations of vote stealing and illegal vote bundling in New Jersey's third largest city still continue. Akhtaruzzaman is planning on going to court to try to have the election thrown out.

Federal and state investigators are also looking into vote-by-mail fraud allegations.

In a separate race, long-time councilman William McCoy in the 3rd Ward is trailing by 240 votes after a recount. He says he is going to court to challenge the results based on the fraud allegations. He is seeking to have the election results overturned and wants to have a new election.

Allegations of vote stealing and ballot stuffing in Paterson, New Jersey continues. Jonathan Dienst reports.
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