NYPD debuts new ‘windshield boot' for parking scofflaws. Good luck getting this off

And you thought a boot on your wheel was bad ...

nypd windshield boot

Points for creativity?

The NYPD debuted a new weapon in its war against parking violators late Thursday, flashing a "windshield boot" for the first time.

Also called a "Barnacle Device," the boot is used to immobilize vehicles violating parking regulations. In some cases, people have been able to outmaneuver boots on their wheels. This aims to stop that, police say.

"This allows us to hold those accountable, reduce parking congestion & address cars that are a nuisance & hazard to the community," the NYPD's chief of transportation said in a post on X.

It wasn't immediately clear if the new boots were designed to supplement the current supply or replace it at some point. It also wasn't known how many were already in use Friday.

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