
NYPD Officer Killed in Iraq Honored in DC Candlelight Vigil

An NYPD officer who volunteered to serve in Iraq where he was killed in a dangerous mission was honored Saturday evening in Washington, D.C.

Staff Sgt. James D. McNaughton was honored at the National Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial. His name was added to the memorial and a candlelight vigil was held in his honor, along with 393 officers that were killed in the line of duty.

McNaughton became a police officer shortly after Sept. 11, 2001, and volunteered to serve to Iraq in 20015, the Army said. He was a military police officer in the Army reserve. 

"We gathered all the civilian police officers in the unit and told them what the situation was. They were to train Iraqi police," said Brig. Gen. John Hussey, who was at the time McNaughton's battalion commander.

"Jimmy McNaughton stepped forward," Hussey said. "He stepped up because he knew a lot of these guys were married and had kids, and he didn't want them to be put in harm's way."

The first attempt to get McNaughton's name on the memorial was rejected. His supporters tried again, this time submitting the application through the Army instead of the NYPD, and were successful. 

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