NJ Town Residents Stuck Without Water on Thanksgiving After Main Break

Many were struggling to cook their Thanksgiving feasts

Firefighters in New Jersey are helping save dozens of Thanksgiving dinners after a water main break left an entire town without water.

Fire crews in Newton left their families on Thursday to fill buckets of water for frantic families trying to save their feasts after a 16-inch line at about 8 a.m. and left the entire town of more than 7,000 residents without water.

"We're thankful that we have these guys in town and they're doing what they can to help us out," said resident Onix Riviera.

Emergency crews had been working since about 7 a.m. to repair the ruptured line, but city officials said that the main might not be repaired until Thursday night.

Vanessa Smith said she was making a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for eight, including several out-of-town guests. 

"And no water, it makes it very difficult to get my meal completed," she said.

But she and others who were getting water from fire hoses on Thursday said they weren't going to let the lack of water ruin the day. 

"This is one Thanksgiving we'll never forget," said one resident.

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