Mayor Heads to DC to Rally Republican Support of 9/11 Health Bill

Mayor Bloomberg will travel to Washington Tuesday to drum up support for the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.

On his agenda are key meetings with Illinois Congressman Mark Kirk, Maine Senator Susan Collins, and Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown.

The Mayor also plans to call Senator John McCain who he says will be traveling Tuesday and unavailable for a sit down meeting.

Brown and Collins have crossed the aisle to vote with Democrats before, a fact not lost on the Mayor.

"Obviously you would target those who have expressed some interest in the past in this topic," he told reporters on Monday.

Bloomberg hopes the Senators will do it again to pass the Zadroga Health and Compensation Act before Congress changes hands.  He is seeking support to secure the 60 votes needed to break a filibuster and move the bill forward.

Back in September, the House passed the bill which will provide $7.4 million dollars to help support 9/11 rescue workers who became ill after inhaling toxic dust and smoke after the attacks.

No matter which state the Senators represent, the Mayor put it simply.

"It's the right thing to do for America," he said. "This is what's right to do for those who came to our defense."

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