‘It Was Past Time': Public Officials Respond to Gov. Cuomo's Resignation

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Team coverage of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s resignation.

After months of scandals and accusations of sexual harassment by the part of several women within his administration, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced his resignation in the wake of a sexual harassment scandal.

Cuomo announced he will resign as New York's 56th governor, bowing to political and public pressure over sex harassment allegations made by 11 women that the attorney general's report corroborated, prompting the New York State Assembly to begin talks of a possible impeachment.

On Tuesday, exactly a week after the revelations of that investigation came to light, Cuomo announced he will resign effective in 14 days as he once again denied any wrongdoing regarding the sexual harassment scandal surrounding him and apologized to any women his actions may have offended.

Several government officials have been calling for his resignation for several months now. Here is the latest list of public officials and organizations who have responded to Cuomo's resignation announcement. (List current as of 6:30 p.m. ET, Aug. 10.)

New York Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul tweeted her statement that she agrees with Cuomo's decision to resign.

"It is the right thing to do and in the best interest of New Yorkers. As someone who has served at all levels of government and is next in the line of succession, I am prepared to lead as New York State’s 57th Governor," Hochul, who will become the first woman to lead the state of New York, tweeted.

President Joe Biden -- who previously called on Cuomo to resign if the AG's investigation found the claims to be credible and reiterated that same sentiment after the report's findings were announced -- told reporters Tuesday following the governor's resignation announcement, "I respect the governor's decision," while describing the turn of events as "sad."

"He’s done a hell of a job …everything from access to voting, to infrastructure, and a whole range of things … that’s why it's so sad," Biden said.

Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement following Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s resignation:

“Make no mistake, this is the result of survivors bravely telling their stories. It was past time for Andrew Cuomo to resign and it’s for the good of all New York.”

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Democrat Charles E. Schumer, who had previously called on the governor to resign, released the following statement:

Senator Schumer said, “I want to commend the brave women who stepped forward and courageously told their stories. There is no place for sexual harassment, and today’s announcement by Governor Cuomo to resign was the right decision for the good of the people of New York. I have full confidence that Lt Governor Hochul will establish a professional and capable administration. I have spoken with Lt. Governor Hochul and look forward to working together to help the people of New York.”

New York State Attorney General Letitia James, who led the sexual harassment investigation against the governor, released a statement on Tuesday saying:

“Today closes a sad chapter for all of New York, but it’s an important step towards justice.

“I thank Governor Cuomo for his contributions to our state. The ascension of our Lieutenant Governor, Kathy Hochul, will help New York enter a new day. We must continue to build on the progress already made and improve the lives of New Yorkers in every corner of the state. I know our state is in good hands with Lieutenant Governor Hochul at the helm, and I look forward to continuing to work with her.”

New York Senate Majority Leader Democrat Andrea Stewart-Cousins released the following statement:

“Today is a somber day for the state of New York, but one that demonstrates our ability to build a more accountable system of government. Governor Cuomo’s resignation opens the door to a restorative future. We all owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the courageous women who came forward and helped pave the way for safer and more inclusive work spaces. Working with Governor Kathy Hochul, the first woman Governor of New York State, we will continue to address the COVID-19 pandemic, rebuild our economy and face our challenges standing together. Governor Hochul is a dedicated leader, and united, we will get the people’s work done.”

Carl Heastie, the speaker of the New York State Assembly who would have overseen impeachment proceedings, said "This has been a tragic chapter in our state’s history. Governor Cuomo’s resignation is the right decision. The brave women who stepped forward were heard. Everyone deserves to work in a harassment free environment. I have spoken with Lieutenant Governor Hochul and I look forward to working with her."

U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) released the following statement:

“First and foremost, I want to thank the incredibly courageous women who came forward and shared their stories. They are the true public servants here. New York now has a chance to move forward and build a new culture of leadership. Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul is an exceptional public servant and will be an excellent governor. I look forward to working together to continue serving the people of our great state.”

Even though he resigned, Gov. Andrew Cuomo could still find himself impeached. Jonathan Dienst reports.

Democratic nominee for New York City mayor Eric Adams said in a statement:

"“The governor’s resignation was necessary for New York State to move forward and continue the critical work of our recovery. I look forward to working in partnership with Lieutenant Governor Hochul on the key issues affecting our city and region at this pivotal moment.”

He also expressed his support for Hochul in a Tweet:

"This is the right decision and is in the best interest of all New Yorkers. I stand ready to work with incoming Governor @KathyHochul as we guide our City through these challenging times and do the hard work of leading a safe, equitable recovery for NYC."

New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, chair of the House Republican Conference, went so far as to call for Cuomo's arrest.

"This resignation is long past overdue. Governor Cuomo needs to be arrested and prosecuted for sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual abuse. Governor Cuomo also needs to be arrested and prosecuted for his criminal acts covering up the tragic deaths of our most vulnerable seniors in nursing homes. ... The next Governor Kathy Hochul must purge Cuomo’s abusive, corrupt, and criminal political appointees immediately to clean house for the sake of every New Yorker," said Stefanik, the third-highest ranking Republican in the House of Representatives.

New York City Council Speaker Democrat Corey Johnson said the following in a statement:

"Gov. Cuomo abused his power and disgraced his office. His resignation signals a new chapter for our state. This Council is eager to support Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, who will become the first woman governor of New York. It is regretful that this historic milestone was achieved under these tragic circumstances, but we are confident that her years of experience serving New Yorkers will help lead us to better days ahead.

I once again thank Attorney General Letitia James for the independent report, as well as her team. And I commend the women who came forward to share their stories."

Albany County Sheriff's Department Sr. Sheriff Craig D. Apple also issued a statement following Cuomo's resignation. The department is leading an investigation into Cuomo after one of his staffers, identified in the attorney general probe filed a criminal complaint with the Albany County Sheriff's Office.

“I give the Governor credit for putting NY first.  Although our investigation was never about his office.  Today’s announcement will have no effect on our investigation.  We still have a complaint and an allegation of criminal conduct.  Our investigation continues," Apple said.

Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul is set to become New York's first female governor. Erica Byfield catches you up to speed on the the state's next executive.

Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont didn't address Cuomo's decision in his tweet, but rather spoke about working with Hochul in the future.

"Since I came into office, I've worked hard to have a collaborative relationship with the governor of NY. I just spoke with @LtGovHochulNY, who will make history as the first woman to lead NY, and we pledged to maintain a close working relationship for our states and our region," Lamont said.

Republican Assemblyman Michael Montesano said in a statement on Tuesday that while he is glad the governor has decided to step down he is surprised that "in doing so, he continued to rip people apart and place the blame for his actions elsewhere. That being said, I hope we can continue to move forward with the impeachment process to ensure this man never holds the office of governor again.”

Democrat New York State Senator James Skoufis released a statement Tuesday expressing his desire to welcome Kathy Hochul, who will step in as Governor after Cuomo resigns.
“Today’s announcement by Governor Cuomo is a necessary first step on New York’s long road to healing. While I wish the decision had been made much, much sooner, I welcome this opportunity to turn the page on Cuomo’s documented patterns of abuse, harassment, and bullying, and I applaud the brave women who came forward to demand change. 
“As we begin to articulate a new vision for New York rooted in respect, honesty, and transparency, I particularly welcome the ascension of the state’s first female Governor, Kathy Hochul. Governor Hochul is deeply familiar with the needs of communities across this state, and I look forward to partnering with her on behalf of working- and middle-class New Yorkers.
“To lift the long-standing fog of mistrust and misogyny from the Governor’s Mansion, those in power must actively acknowledge and address our past failings. I applaud Attorney General Letitia James for her commitment to exposing the truth, and I stand in support of future efforts by local District Attorneys and law enforcement to hold Cuomo, and those who willfully enabled his behavior, to account.”

Gov. Andrew Cuomo leaves state government under a pall of sexual misconduct, but before that he might've been remembered for infrastructure and the pandemic. Melissa Russo reports.

U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1), who has been named the presumptive nominee for Governor of New York by both the New York Republican and Conservative Parties, issued the following statement:

“Andrew Cuomo’s statement today is a clear indication he is resigning to skirt all repercussions for his actions as opposed to accounting for his misconduct. He knows he would be impeached. He knows he would be voted out of office. Andrew Cuomo broke the law and criminal repercussions must follow, despite him no longer serving in public office. From his deadly nursing home order and coverup, to his $5.1 million self-congratulatory book deal and serial harassment and abuse of others, he’s been unfit to continue serving for a long period of time.

“Unfortunately, for New Yorkers, we’re left with Cuomo’s Lieutenant who empowered this disgusting behavior while Andrew Cuomo cultivated this toxic culture, leaving a trail of victims in its wake. Kathy Hochul has been silent scandal after scandal, from fatal nursing home policies and coverups to rampant harassment, intimidation, bullying and abuse. In November of 2022, we must rid New York of the Cuomo-Hochul administration and its disgraceful legacy. We need new leadership in New York to end the attacks on our freedoms, our wallets and our safety, and Save Our State.”

“Every New Yorker, regardless of who they vote for, where they live or how much they make, deserves much better than this. The last three Democrat Governors have left office embroiled in scandal. Albany corruption is systemic, fundamental and real. One-party Democrat rule enables this type of malign behavior. It’s not just about Cuomo, it’s about those who continue to preserve the status quo and have failed to learn from the mistakes of the past. Voters in New York need to take back control of how we are governed and set the standards we want for those who are given the honor of serving us.”

U.S. Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-Long Island, Queens) released the following statement on the resignation of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo:

“The Governor has done the right thing by resigning. There is no doubt that Andrew Cuomo has accomplished much for our state, from the property tax cap, to rebuilding our infrastructure, to instituting a $15 min wage and battling COVID. It is imperative that our next governor continue the positive achievements of the Cuomo administration and help once again make New York the Empire State.”

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has deep roots in Mount Kisco. Lynda Baquero reports on how his neighbors are reacting to his resignation today.

Republican Assemblyman Mike Lawler said in a statement after Cuomo's press conference on Tuesday that “It's past due time that Andrew Cuomo resigned from office after 11 years of bullying, thuggery, and now, predatory sexual behavior," said Mike Lawler. "His conduct was completely and totally unbecoming of the office of Governor."

"I'm glad he showed one little moniker of decency by resigning and sparing the people of New York an expensive and prolonged impeachment process."

"I look forward to working with Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul to serve the people of New York State and Rockland County with dignity, honor, and decency."

In a statement, New York State Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt said Cuomo's resignation "marks one small step toward restoring honor, decency, and accountability to New York State government."

Ortt's entire statement reads: "Today marks one small step toward restoring honor, decency, and accountability to New York State government. I hope today also brings some measure of justice to the brave women who had the courage to come forward against a powerful and vindictive political figure.

"Over the past year, Andrew Cuomo’s credibility completely fell apart. Now, following his overdue resignation, it will never be repaired. The Governor’s pervasive harassment and coverups cast a dark cloud over our State Capitol and took us away from the important work facing this state.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigned on Tuesday. Ida Siegal and Greg Cergol report on reaction from the Bronx and Long Island.

"Andrew Cuomo broke the law, lied about it, and shamelessly smeared the women who came forward. His resignation is welcome, but it stops short of the justice his victims and the people of New York deserve. The FBI, the State Attorney General, and other proper authorities must also be allowed to continue their work investigating all of the possible crimes related to our state’s nursing homes crisis and the Governor’s questionable book deal. The Legislature must examine the Cuomo administration’s many failings in public forums as soon as possible so that these abuses of power will never happen under another administration.

"We must also acknowledge the fact that the Democrats in the Legislature failed to hold Andrew Cuomo or his administration accountable, despite our repeated calls to do so.

"Well after the numerous credible allegations were made against Andrew Cuomo, Democrats in both the Senate and Assembly stood by him, normalizing his behavior and enabling him to cling to power. I hope those in the Legislature - and other powerful figures around the state - reflect on their own actions in response to Andrew Cuomo’s disturbing behavior. The vocal support and the deafening silence of many helped keep Andrew Cuomo in power far longer than he deserved. In 14 days we will have our first female Governor. I’d like to congratulate Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, a fellow Western New Yorker, on becoming the first woman to assume leadership of this state. My fellow Senators and I look forward to working with Governor Hochul as we continue to tackle the issues of rising crime, our state’s struggling economy, and the resurgence of the COVID-19 virus."

Gov. Andrew Cuomo wasn't the most popular in Staten Island before he was accused of sexual misconduct. Gus Rosendale talks to some Staten Islanders.

State Comptroller Democrat Thomas DiNapoli said in a statement:

“The Governor has done the right thing. New York is facing many challenges as we battle the ongoing impact of COVID-19. My team and I stand ready to assist incoming Governor Hochul as we move the state forward."

U.S. Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-Long Island, Queens) released the following statement on the resignation of Cuomo:

“The Governor has done the right thing by resigning. There is no doubt that Andrew Cuomo has accomplished much for our state, from the property tax cap, to rebuilding our infrastructure, to instituting a $15 min wage and battling COVID. It is imperative that our next governor continue the positive achievements of the Cuomo administration and help once again make New York the Empire State.”

Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY, an organization dedicated to empowering and protecting the voice of the people in the political process, put out the following statement:

"We are relieved that Governor Cuomo is resigning, as Common Cause/NY and so many others demanded. However, his resignation should take place immediately. New Yorkers require a functioning government, not a leadership void created by a grace period ​for misconduct."

New York State Democratic Chairman Jay S. Jacobs released the following statement:

"New York will finally have its first female Governor and we could not be in better hands. From assisting her mother run a transitional domestic violence shelter to helping make the property tax cap permanent, Kathy Hochul has always and relentlessly fought for the people of New York. Her experience at all levels of government – Town Board Member, County Clerk, Congresswoman, and Lieutenant Governor, makes her uniquely well-equipped to effectively govern the State at this time. I am confident that incoming Governor Hochul’s empathy, work ethic and authentic concern for the welfare of its citizens will make her an outstanding Governor for our State."

Gov. Andrew Cuomo was far from the first political figure in the Empire State to lose his position. Adam Kuperstein breaks down the state's recent history of political scandal.

Democrat New York State Senator Todd Kaminsky released a statement saying:

“The Governor’s resignation is in the best interest of New York. The 11 brave women who came forward and the thorough and fearless investigation from our Attorney General brought us to this moment. Incoming Governor Hochul now faces unprecedented challenges and we must all be ready to help her meet the moment and ensure that Long Island thrives and prospers during her tenure.”

Democrat State Senator Jessica Ramos said in a tweet on Tuesday"

"The threat of impeachment was too big for Andrew Cuomo to bear. New Yorkers deserve better than a man who has played politics with our lives for a decade & couldn’t see beyond his ego. I look forward to working with @LtGovHochulNY as she becomes our first female governor."

Noah Bookbinder, the President Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, an ethics watchdog organization that takes legal and investigative actions to hold people in power accountable, released the following statement:

“The story of Andrew Cuomo’s time as governor is one of repeated ethical failures and abuses of power. The evidence of his unethical and abusive conduct is overwhelming, leaving him with only one option: resign in disgrace. He does not get credit for doing the right thing only after repeatedly doing the wrong things. But we are thankful we all can finally close the book on his abuse of office.”

Republican National Committee Spokesperson Rachel Lee said in a statement that “The next 14 days cannot go by fast enough. Good riddance to the worst and most disgraced governor in America.” 

Democrat New York State Senator John E. Brooks said the following in a statement:

"Today Andrew Cuomo announced his resignation as our Governor, effective in 14 days. I fully believe this action is in the best interest of our state."

"This has been a very difficult period for the people of New York and we have much to do as we continue to battle COVID, rebuild our economy, prepare for a new school year, address concerns with the MTA, protect our environment, and so much more. All of us in the state legislature must come together and work with soon-to-be Governor Hochul in putting people and not politics first."

"I have complete faith in Kathy Hochul and her ability to lead our state and she has my full support as we tackle the issues we face moving forward."

Lisa O'Connor, the Deputy CEO Safe Horizon, a victims assistance organization, released a statement urging the Assembly to pass pro-survivor legislation such as the Adult Survivors Act:

"It is never easy for survivors to share their trauma, pain and abuse. We are grateful and admire the courage and bravery of the women who came forward. They are a testament to the power survivors have to create change. This week has been another gut-wrenching example of how those in power can evade accountability for decades. Every survivor deserves a path to justice with legislation that makes it possible. That's why the Assembly must pass the Adult Survivors Act immediately."

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