The Love Gov is getting plenty of it from his students at City College, according to a report from deep inside of his classroom.
Former governor, and ex-john, Eliot Spitzer has started teaching a law and public policy course at CCNY this semester and reporters have been banned from the class, but the Daily News managed to sneak inside his first two-and-a-half-hour lecture.
The notorius "Client 9" didn't mention his former teacher's pet, call girl Ashley Dupre, but he did talk about how he went after fat cats on Wall Street.
"Half my friends are at Goldman [Sachs] or they used to be," he said as the classroom laughed, according to the News. "They didn't like what I've done over the last 15 years."
Despite his record of going after corruption and shady investment bankers, Spitzer at this point may best be known for leaving his socks on while making love. So when showed up for the class at 3:30 p.m., he diffused some of the nervous tension by saying, "At this point you know everything about me."
Then he took off his jacket and hung it on a chair and passed out a thick packet of homework.
"It's not really as daunting as it seems," Spitzer told the class, the News reported.
He then went into a lecture about wealth distribution and even quoted Bruce Springsteen, saying the "poor man wants to be rich, rich man wants to be king."
Spitz even took a shot at the president, calling Obama's stimulus package "not enough and poorly constructed."
By the end of the class, the students seemed to be on the ex-governor's side. Outside, a New York Times reported tried to get one of them to tell what went on in the classroom but a female student shot back: "No snitching," according to the News.