NJ Man Crashes into House, Blames GPS

Police in New Jersey are investigating an accident in which the driver claimed his GPS told him to ignore the end of a road and to drive straight into a house, seriously injuring two people in the car.

It happened early Saturday morning where New Road meets Ridge Road in South Brunswick, N.J., a central Jersey community a few miles north of Princeton.

Traffic engineers designed it so that you can either turn left or right onto Ridge Road.

But faced with that choice in the dark and foggy early morning hours, the motorist told police he followed his GPS.

"The driver went straight," said Capt. James Ryan, a police spokesman.

The driver not only missed the end of the road, but also went through the stop sign without stopping, traveling 100 feet before hitting the house, according to the police report.

The driver's wife and 13-year-old daughter, who were not wearing seat belts, were seriously hurt with head and neck injuries.

His son was also in the car but was not seriously injured.

In reporting the accident, Ryan's email said, "This stuff really happens."

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