Four NJ High School Students Arrested in Bomb Threat

The alleged threat was made online

Police in Belleville, New Jersey have arrested four high school students who they say were plotting to blow up their school on the internet social networking site, facebook.

There were reports of chaos in the halls as authorities evacuated Belleville High School after a student showed a school official a copy of the facebook page on which the two seniors and two juniors, police say, discussed igniting a gas line into the building, or using gasoline to burn it down.

After arresting the two 16-year-old girls, a 17-year-old girl and a 17 year-old-boy, ATF, the FBI and the Essex County Bomb Squard searched the building, but did not find anything suspicious.  A search of the students' homes was also negative.

Some students said the four must've been joking, otherwise why would they talk about blowing up the school on facebook where other people could see what they were saying.

Nevertheless, the teens have been charged with creating a false public alarm, making terroristic threats and conspiracy.

They are being held in the Essex County, New Jersey Juvenile Detention Center.

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