On Loan

We are really bad at packing for trips. We consistently overpack but still manage to leave vital items at home, usually sitting on our dresser or kitchen counter. This has happened with our sunglasses more times than we can remember.

Which is why we think the Pucci sunglasses loaner program at the Montage Beverly Hills is just what we've always needed.

We would rather not buy a fancy new pair of shades when we've got a perfectly good pair at home. So borrowing a designer pair from the hotel so that we can sit by the pool all weekend without squinting is a fabulous idea. And we hope it catches on at hotels all over the place. And if you fall madly in love with them, there are new pairs available for purchase.

Now, can someone start a shoe lending program? Because we undoubtedly always bring the wrong pair.

Sponsored Topics: Sunglasses - Beverly Hills California - Health - Vision - Shopping

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