Et Tu, Bloomberg?

Report: Bloomberg slams Paterson, gives Rudy love

Mayor Michael Bloomberg is not one to hide his feelings – especially on any and all things related to Gov. David Paterson.

Bloomberg slammed Paterson and gave former Mayor Rudy Giuliani all the love at a meeting with state Republican leaders on Wednesday, according to the New York Post.

Saying Giuliani would make a “great governor,” Bloomberg added the former mayor would “have to run” if Paterson became the Democratic nominee in 2010, a source told the Post. The two talked about the possibility some time ago, but Rudy hadn't made up his mind either way at the time, the source said.

The mayor also indicated Giuliani would have an easy time taking down Paterson, should both run for governor in 2010, according to the Post. Paterson’s poll numbers have been plummeting ever since Caroline Kennedy’s disastrous bid (not a bid) for a New York senate seat. Controversial budget proposals amid tough economic times haven’t helped.

Polls administered by Sienna College and Quinnipiac University support the idea that Giuliani would take Paterson to town in a gubernatorial race, the Post reported.

Bloomberg has spent a lot of time schmoozing with Republicans lately in an effort to get his name on their ballot for his third-term mayoral campaign. Why the flip-flop? He apparently thinks it would be a smoother ride to re-election.

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