The space shuttle Enterprise is the latest addition to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. Its new Space Shuttle Pavilion opens Thursday. Roseanne Colletti has more.
A piece of NASA history will soon be available for New Yorkers and visitors to see.
The space shuttle Enterprise is the latest addition to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. Its new Space Shuttle Pavilion opens to the public Thursday at 10 a.m., but the exhibit wont be open until 2 p.m.
Museum visitors will be able to walk underneath and around the Enterprise.
The space shuttle was NASA's first. It never actually went into space — but performed critical tests around the Earth's atmosphere in 1977.

Space experts credit the Enterprise with paving the way for future shuttles, like the Columbia in 1981.
The grand opening of the museum's Space Shuttle Pavilion will include special exhibitions and a concert.

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