
Duane Reade Gatorade Thief Wanted in Needle Attack on Midtown Security Guard

He walked into the 34th Stree store with a Fresh Direct bag and just started loading up at the refrigerators. Then a guard stopped him


Police are looking for a thief they say tried to steal Gatorade in a Fresh Direct bag from a midtown Manhattan Duane Reade, then attacked the security guard who tried to stop him with a hypodermic needle on his way out, authorities say.

Police are looking for a thief they say tried to steal Gatorade in a Fresh Direct bag from a midtown Manhattan Duane Reade, then attacked the security guard who tried to stop him with a hypodermic needle on his way out, authorities say.

According to officials, the suspect walked into the Duane Reade on East 34th Street around 10:15 a.m. Saturday and proceeded to fill a Fresh Direct bag with Gatorade from store refrigerators and other items. Video shows him loading up (above).

He went to leave the store, at which point a 64-year-old security guard intervened. A struggle ensued and cops say the suspect pulled out a hypodermic needle and tried to stab the guard with it. The struggle continued and the suspect eventually ran off, leaving the Fresh Direct bag with the Gatorade and other goods behind him.

The guard suffered some left hand pain but refused medical attention at the scene.

Anyone with information on the attack is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS.

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