Dogs attacked thousands of mail carriers across the country last year, and Brooklyn had the most in the tri-state area, according to a ranking by the U.S. Postal Service.
On a list of the top 30 cities, Brooklyn came out with 18, while Queens -- specifically Flushing -- followed with 14.
Nationwide, Houston had the most dog attacks on postal employees, with 63, followed by Los Angeles with 61 and Cleveland with 58.
Among the cities at the bottom of the ranking: Santa Ana, California; Richmond, Virginia; and Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Each city had 11 dog attacks.
“There’s a myth we often hear at the Postal Service,” Postal Service Manager of Safety Linda DeCarlo said in a statement. “Don’t worry — my dog won’t bite. Dog attacks are a nationwide issue and not just a postal problem. Any dog can bite and all attacks are preventable through responsible pet ownership.”
Overall, 5,581 postal employees were attacked by dogs across the country in 2013, down from 5,879 in 2012. The Postal Service's ranking by cities was not based on per capita statistics. The list was timed to draw attention to National Dog Bite Prevention Week, which begins Monday.
The Postal Service also recommended ways dog owners can prevent attacks, including putting the dog in a separate room and making sure the door is closed before opening the front door to pick up mail.
Postal workers aren’t the only ones at risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs each year. Half of the victims are children.

Source: USPS