Jordan Neely

Daniel Penny Breaks Silence, Says Jordan Neely Killing ‘Had Nothing to Do With Race'

NBC Universal, Inc.

The 24-year-old man was arrested May 12 on a single charge of second-degree manslaughter and was released on $100,000 bond.

Daniel Penny, the man charged in the chokehold death of Jordan Neely, broke his silence in an extended interview where he rejected any claims the killing of the 30-year-old homeless Black man was motivated by race.

Speaking exclusively to The New York Post, Penny did not go into detail about what exactly happened on the train to prompt him to force Neely into a chokehold, but he did say if presented with the same situation he would do it again.

Neely died nearly three weeks ago on a northbound F train in lower Manhattan. The popular Michael Jackson street performer was homeless and on a list of the 50 most at-risk people living on New York City streets.

Jarring video shows the 30-year-old forced into a chokehold for around 15 minutes by ex-Marine Penny. Witnesses had reported Neely, a homeless man with a lengthy criminal record and a history of mental illness, was aggressive toward other riders. He had been shouting at passengers, witnesses said, yelling that he was hungry and didn't care if he died.

In the interview published last weekend, Penny says if he had the opportunity to speak with Neely's family he would say, "I'm deeply saddened by the loss of life. It's tragic what happened to him. Hopefully, we can change the system that's so desperately failed us."

The morning of May 1, Penny said was riding the train on his way to a Manhattan gym after class; he now attends school virtually. He refused to elaborate on the details that preceded the chokehold, but 'indicated it wasn’t like 'anything I’d experienced before.'”

“This had nothing to do with race,” he told the outlet.

“I mean, it’s, it’s a little bit comical. Everybody who’s ever met me can tell you, I love all people, I love all cultures. You can tell by my past and all my travels and adventures around the world. I was actually planning a road trip through Africa before this happened.”

The 24-year-old man was arrested May 12 on a single charge of second-degree manslaughter and was released on $100,000 bond. He was ordered to surrender any passports and must ask the court's permission if he wants to leave the state. Penny is due back in court in July.

The family of Jordan Neely, the homeless man who died in a subway rider's chokehold last week, sought to paint the 30-year-old as a promising young man crushed by the murder of his own mother who never got the help he needed from the mental health system -- and who never to deserved to die on the floor of that F train in Daniel Penny's grip.

Penny's lawyers say he acted in self-defense and acted to protect fellow subway riders from a supposed perceived threat. They say he could "not have foreseen" Neely would die in the chokehold, and have called his death "the unfortunate result" of good Samaritan intervention. They also say he'll be absolved of the charge.

The Post also spoke to Neely's uncle, whom said he believes Penny would act again if not held accountable by the law.

“He needs to be prosecuted or he will do it again,” Christopher Neely told The Post on Sunday. “It’s a smack in the face for Jordan’s family and the people of New York.”

“He thinks what he did was a good deed — that is monstrous,” Christopher said. “How can you say ‘everything I did was right’ when he killed an unarmed man that weighed 100 pounds, if that?”

Donte Mills, another lawyer for Neely’s family, has disputed Penny’s version of events, saying the veteran “acted with indifference. He didn’t care about Jordan, he cared about himself. And we can’t let that stand.”

“Mr. Neely did not attack anyone.” Mills said following Penny's arrest. “He did not touch anyone. He did not hit anyone. But he was choked to death.

“No one on that train asked Jordan: ‘What’s wrong, how can I help you?’” Mills continued, urging New Yorkers in a similar situation: “Don’t attack. Don’t choke. Don’t kill. Don’t take someone’s life. Don’t take someone’s loved one from them because they’re in a bad place.”

The Neely family wants the case to go to trial and wants the two men who assisted Penny charged as well.

Hundreds of people gathered at the Mount Neboh Baptist Church in Harlem for Jordan Neely's funeral today. Andrew Siff reports.
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