Fully Vaccinated vs. Not: A Simple Look at What New CDC Mask Guidance Means for You

What can you do if you're fully vaccinated? What about if you're not? Here's a quick look at the latest CDC recommendations

NBCUniversal Media, LLC

The CDC issued new mask guidance Tuesday, saying face coverings are no longer needed outdoors for vaccinated people and for non-vaccinated people in some cases, too. But there are some clear differences in the recommendations.

What can you do if you're fully vaccinated? What about if you're not? Here's a quick look at the latest CDC recommendations.

Outdoor Mask Guidance

cdc outdoors
This is the new outdoor mask guidance from the CDC for fully vaccinated vs non-vaccinated individuals.

Indoor Mask Guidance

cdc indoor guidance
This (continued in the second image below) is the new indoor mask guidance from the CDC for fully vaccinated vs non-vaccinated individuals.
cdc indoors two

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said shortly after the new CDC guidelines were released that New York state would adopt them, indicating it would be effective immediately. Earlier in the day, before the new recommendations came out, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio indicated he was open to lifting outdoor mask requirements.

De Blasio's top public health adviser said the CDC change was logical, but noted the team wanted to review the new federal guidelines in detail before deciding how best to apply them in New York. It's not clear when the city will update its policy.

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