This Calculator Tells You Exactly How Much Your Third Coronavirus Stimulus Check Could Be Worth

This Calculator Tells You Exactly How Much Your Third Coronavirus Stimulus Check Could Be Worth
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The House of Representatives passed the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief package on Saturday, leaving only a Senate vote and signature from President Biden between Americans and $1,400 relief checks.

To be eligible for the full $1,400, individuals must have an adjusted gross income (AGI) below $75,000. Married couples filing jointly must have an AGI under $150,000 to receive the full $2,800.

In the previous two rounds of stimulus checks, parents with dependents under the age of 17 were eligible to receive an extra check for each child. For the third round, however, there is no age cap on dependents, meaning that an eligible family with one adult dependent and one child dependent could get as much as $5,600 in aid.

But having an AGI above $75,000 doesn't mean that you'll walk away from this latest round of relief empty handed. The amount of stimulus a person receives gets smaller with every $100 they make above $75,000, before disappearing entirely when an individual has an AGI higher than $100,000 or a couple has an AGI higher than $200,000.

To see how much relief you could expect to receive, personal finance website Grow created a calculator that factors in your filing status, annual income and the number of dependents you have.

To see how much your stimulus check could amount to, simply plug in your AGI — click here if you need help calculating it — and other information below.

The bill is now headed to the Senate, where Democrats are hoping it will pass by March 14, when many federal unemployment provisions expire.

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