Plywood, Dirt & Dozers Abound on Frederick Douglass Blvd

Following up on yesterday's Development Du Jour at 2280 Frederick Douglass Boulevard , blog Uptown Flavor posted a few photos from the recent rooftop party at the nearby Dwyer, and the set includes a couple high-in-the-sky looks at the patches of Harlem dirt that will soon give birth to 2280 FDB as well as the monstrous Aloft hotel. The two are amongst many projects planned for Harlem's current main artery of development, and it looks like the bulldozers are doing their thing. No Harlem Parks on this side of the 'hood, eh?
· Dwyer and Friends [Uptown Flavor]
· Development Du Jour: 2280 FDB [Curbed]
· Confirmed: Harlem's Hip New Aloft Hotel [Curbed]

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