Hot Ticket: Au Revoir Simone

The Brooklyn three bring their dreamy pop to Bowery Ballroom on Saturday. Mellowness guaranteed.

Fresh off the release of their new album "Still Night, Still Light," Au Revoir Simone are playing a local show. And the timing’s good: For us, the music of the Brooklyn-based girl trio has long been one of the unofficial soundtracks of summer. The lo-fi, sweetly melancholic synthpop made by by Erika Forster, Annie Hart and Heather D'Angelo makes you want to stroll down the Coney boardwalk (yes, even sans Astroland) or sit on the fire escape until the fireflies come out.

For one night only, the ladies of the keyboards (and drum machine) will bewitch and inspire at Bowery Ballroom. In these lean times, a ticket to this show may be the perfect substitute for a summer getaway. ARS is opened by mellow bands Findlay Brown and Lights.

Au Revoir Simone with Findlay Brown and Lights
Saturday June 27; doors open at 8PM
Bowery Ballroom, 6 Delancey Street at the Bowery; 212-533-2111
More information and tickets at

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