First Annual NYC Chowder Slam

The first annual fest, taking place this Saturday, is a clam-lover's marathon. Pace yourself.

To fund New Amsterdam Public Market -- a project aimed at revitalizing indoor markets as a civic institution in New York -- Saturday will see the First Annual NYC Chowder Slam go down at Jimmy's No. 43 in the East Village. Twenty dollars gets you in the door, at which point it'll be a bivalve free-for-all. Clamtasia, if you will.

Will Manhattan chowder (a.k.a. clam minestrone) make a decent showing? Will the creamy New England chowder (a.k.a. the only chowder deserving of the name) prevail? Will you taste every one of the artisanal New England microbrews on tap for the event? And, perhaps most importantly, will your metabolism recover in time for Sunday's Great Greenpoint Mac Off?

First Annual NYC Chowder Slam, 12PM to 5PM, Jimmy's No. 43, 43 East 7th Street, 212-982-3006.

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