CurbedWire Special: Edge Topping Off Edition

Well, the big Edge tower in Williamsburg topped off on schedule today complete with a ceremony feature the developer, Borough President Marty Markowitz and a lot of free food. A Curbed operative who was on hand reports: Developer Jeffrey Levine delivered a short speech in which he thanked a whole lot of people and said that "I have to mention our mezzanine financing." He also delivered what may be the developer money quote of the week: "For those who think the world's gonna end - fugedaboutit!...We'll be living, eating, breathing, and shitting long into the future." Good to know and great to hear that good old-fashioned Brooklyn optimism. Sadly, Brookyn Borough President Marty Markowitz was less scatalogical in his comments, delivering what our correspondent called "his trademark shout-speech." He turned to Mr. Levine and requested a "Brooklyn President's Residence, not facing Manhattan but Brooklyn," and praised the Edge for "setting the pace for the rest of Brooklyn." Food followed and we all know what often comes after eating and breathing. [CurbedWire Staff]For more stories from Curbed, go to

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