First Rosie was on Brian Lehrer. Then we blogged about it. Then she led a panel at WNYC. Then New York Magazine cornered her and blogged it. Here's a clip from the New York Mag post:
Perez got pretty slammed on the Brooklyn blogs for her comments. “As much as I find Rosie Perez to be a decent actor, sexy and certainly part of NYC's charm, I must say comments like these make me want to kick her in the shins,” wrote one commenter on Brownstoner. We cornered Perez after the show, and she was happy to clear up what she worried was a hostile comment. “What I really wanted to say was that, yes, I’m nostalgic for the past, but I’m also excited about the present and hopeful for the future," she explained. "Things do change. Water always has to flow or else it becomes stale. But with change, you can bring along some of the good minerals that came from the top of the waterfall." She said she'd read some of the blogs and seen the nasty comments. "I think it’s their guilt of being the gentrifiers. They don’t know how to take it," she said. "But I had to look at myself and I realized it came off a little hostile, to be honest.”
Her parting words? "Even if you’re in a bad mood, just give me a nod.” We'll do one better: Come to the Flea tomorrow, Rosie, and we'll buy you a pupusa!