One Hanson Place Goes Non-Union


Brooklyn's tallest building (it's still is the tallest, isn't it?) will be using non-union doormen, porters and other workers in its new incarnation, as One Hanson Place. The NY Daily News reports that ten of their workers will have to pay $300 a month for health insurance for each family member (their own health insurance will be covered) because the developers, one of whom is Magic Johnson, didn't use local 32BJ folks, as 90 percent of luxury projects have. Developers say when the condo board takes over next year, they can switch to unionized workers if they want. The condos are more than 50 percent sold out. One unit still on the market is listed at $3.2 million.
Union Fury Over Magic Johnson's Luxury Tower in Bklyn [NY Daily News]
Photo by jag9889.

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