House of the Day: 204 Clermont Avenue

When 204 Clermont was listed with Roslyn Huebener last year, we were surprised at how failed to attract any interest; based on the photos, it looked like a great house. Now that Brooklyn Properties has the listing, however, and has posted some photos with some less flattering angles, it makes better sense why the three-family house has had to drop its asking price from $2,500,000 to the current $1,650,000: It has nice bones but the layout is totally random. We've included a fairly flattering shot above, but click through to the listing and check out the placement of that kitchen island on the parlor floor. Can you say "value destruction"? Someone should buy this as a two-family and just rip that parlor kitchen out.
204 Clermont Avenue [Brooklyn Properties] GMAP P*Shark
House of the Day: 204 Clermont Avenue [Brownstoner]

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