Admiral's Row: Up Close and Personal

Over the weekend, Gothamist's Jake Dobkin photographed the interior of the Admiral's Row houses inside the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The shots are incredible so we encourage you to click on each one above to see the full-size version. We also thought the commentary he provided on his personal site, Bluejake, was worth repeating here:

I was surprised how messed up these buildings were on the inside. The rear ends of many of the houses had collapsed, leaving a tangled mess of wood. Interior staircases were hanging a few feet off vertical, and large holes dotted many of the floors. Almost all of the windows were open or blown out, and the wind and rain had taken off most of the paint on the inside walls. Still-- some romantic details were still extant-- dozens of fireplaces and cedar-lined closets, handsome plaster work and ornamental detailing, and one enormous, empty ballroom. It'd be a shame if we let these buildings get demolished. I know the neighborhood needs a supermarket and more jobs, but there's got to be a way to bring that stuff without destroying the past.

There's also a related post on Gothamist from Monday. Incredible. Wish we could take photos like these.
Admiral's Row Photos [Bluejake]
Inside Admiral's Row [Gothamist]
Admiral's Row Archives [Brownstoner]

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