Brooklyn Blogging to Eat Itself

Brooklyn is the bloggiest place in the world. Whatever that means, the folks behind Brooklyn Blogfest seem to be fond of saying it. One thing it means is that there are enough Brooklyn bloggers for them to have their own annual festival. 

Brooklyn Blogfest 2009 will be held on May 7 at the powerHouse Arena in Dumbo. It will be full of bloggers from Brooklyn talking about blogging (in Brooklyn) and probably blogging about it (also in Brooklyn).

They are also likely to be Twittering from the blogfest, but Twitter is microblogging, and how could a blogger possibly blog all he or she has to say about Brooklyn in just 140 characters?

The panel discussions will cover topics such as "Why We Blog" and "Blogs of a Feather" and there will also be showcase of photos Brooklyn photobloggers (that's not a word, but neither is bloggiest—or blog for that matter) took of Brooklyn.

Brooklyn bloggers will also meet other Brooklyn bloggers and listen to famous and semi-famous Brooklyn bloggers, like Jake Dobkin co-founder of Gothamist and someone named Bed-Stuy Banana, speak. Then they will all go home and blog about it.

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