Boulud Promises ‘Greatest Diner on Earth'

Photo: WireImage

Today Daniel Boulud tells Cuozzo that, more than merely a burger joint, the Bowery restaurant he’s opening this winter will be "a cross between a brasserie and a diner" — or, to be clearer, "the greatest diner on earth." Boulud says his sous-chef at DB Bistro Moderne, Jim Leiken, will prepare "lots of traditional things" and "old-fashioned tricks of the trade," meaning rolling carts of "leg of veal or lamb or beef" and "interesting sausage." Interesting, indeed. So what was with the whole burger joint thing? We held a contest, and everything! "That's to keep [the blogs] busy until I tell them what I'm going to do," he tells Cuozzo. Ah, Daniel, we’re not angry, we’re just disappointed in you — er, wait a minute, what are we saying? Rolling meat carts? We’re not disappointed at all.

King of NYC [NYP]

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