"The Color Purple" author Alice Walker, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 for her highly acclaimed novel, said last night she didn't want to pick up the prestigious award in person.
“I think things like that should be brought to your door,” she said Tuesday night during a talk at the 92nd St. Y on the Upper East Side.
The author, whose work was made into a film with Whoopi Goldberg and later a Broadway hit, said the story of a woman in the rural south overcoming a host of struggles is about one's personal belief system.
"It's all about questioning," she said. "It's about feeling what that is for you."
She added, "[I] thought the [story] is really a dialogue about what god is."
Walker, the first African-American woman to receive a Pulitzer for fiction, spoke with journalist Amy Goodman last night about everything from vacationing in Bali to her thoughts on President Obama's support of the release of her new tome "Overcoming Speechlessness: A Poet Encounters the Horror in Rwanda, Eastern Congo and Palestine/Israel."
When she’s not churning out books about her experience in parts of the world devastated by conflict or penning Pulitzer Prize-winning novels, Walker said she’s a big movie fan and revealed her favorite recent flick.
“I just saw 'Avatar',” said Walker. “I loved it.”