ROOTS: Robert Stone’s visually stunning documentary “Earth Days” looks at the evolution of environmental consciousness as we know it, from its very beginnings. The Sundance entry shows at the Quad Cinema, followed by a Q&A with the director. 7PM.
LINE, PLEASE: How much buzz is too much buzz? The hype surrounding ArpLine – the band formerly known as The Kiss Off – is reaching deafening levels; thankfully, these melodic pop experimenters (the love child of Neil Young’s vocals and Blondie’s arrangements, we’ve decided) have earned every drop. They’ll be at Mercury Lounge at 7:30PM.
SUMMER CAMP: Guilty pleasure "Labyrinth" is like a time capsule of ’80s cheese, from David Bowie's Tina Turner wig, to a very (very) young Jennifer Connelly, whose Oscar-winning future could never be gleaned from this performance! Cheryl “Daughter of Jim” Henson will introduce the movie, which she worked on with her dad. Part of the Rubin Museum's Cabaret Cinema Series, 9:30PM.