Lauran Neergaard

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  • Surgeons remove a gene-edited transplanted pig kidney from the body of Maurice “Mo” Miller at NYU Langone Health in New York on Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2023. For a history-making 61 days and despite a brief rejection blip, a pig’s kidney worked normally inside his brain-dead body.
    Health & Science Sep 14, 2023

    Pig kidney transplant for NYC hospital patient works for record 2 months in donated body

    It marked the longest a genetically modified pig kidney has ever functioned inside a human, albeit a deceased one. And by pushing the boundaries of research with the dead, the scientists learned critical lessons they’re preparing to share with the FDA — in hopes of eventually testing pig kidneys in the living.

  • Nov 8, 2017

    Overcoming Opioids: When Pills Are a Hospital's Last Resort

    A car crash shattered Stuart Anders’ thigh, leaving pieces of bone sticking through his skin. Yet Anders begged emergency room doctors not to give him powerful opioid painkillers — he’d been addicted once before and panicked at the thought of relapsing. “I can’t lose what I worked for,” he said. The nation’s opioid crisis is forcing hospitals to begin rolling...

  • Donald Trump Nov 8, 2017

    Trump's FDA Pick Says Tackling Opioid Crisis a Top Priority

    The doctor nominated to head the powerful Food and Drug Administration told senators Wednesday that his first priority would be tackling the opioid crisis, and he pledged that science will prevail at the agency despite his extensive financial ties to medical companies it regulates....
    Dr. Scott Gottlieb is a physician-turned-health consultant who has criticized many FDA regulations as unnecessary and has...

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