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Time, Misinformation Complicate Teaching 9/11 to Kids Born After Attacks
Nagla Bedir didn’t discuss Sept. 11 with her New Jersey high school students last year. Mid-pandemic, with remote learning, it wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have via computer screen. But this year, returning to the classroom just after the end of America’s longest war, she figures she can’t not teach about it. So later this month — after...
Cuomo: Senate Democrats Are ‘Playing Politics' With Amazon
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo accused his fellow Democrats in the state Senate of “playing politics” by nominating a critic of subsidies for Amazon’s planned campus in Queens to a state board with the power to derail the project.
Cuomo Receives Catholic Criticism Over Abortion Law, Shrugs Off Bishops' Calls for His Excommunication
Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday shrugged off criticism and even calls from Roman Catholic leaders for his excommunication from the church over his support of a new state abortion law.
NY Lawmakers to Ease Statute of Limitations for Molestation
A bill extending the statute of limitations on child molestation to give victims more time to seek justice is expected to easily pass the New York legislature.
NY Legislature Approves Early Voting
New York state may soon join most other states in allowing its citizens to cast a ballot before Election Day in a bid to improve its low voter turnout rates.
Thorny Questions Threaten to Slow Legal Pot in NY
Efforts to legalize marijuana for recreational use in New York are gaining steam, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo predicts a bill will pass this year. But don’t expect to see pot shops opening up from Brooklyn to Buffalo anytime soon.
State Audit Finds Lapses in New York Youth Jobs Program That Accepted 62-Year-Old
A state audit has found lapses at a program that rewards employers who hire young workers – including a 62-year-old who was deemed eligible for the program.
New York Lawmakers Return to Take Up Pot, Tolls, Sports Bets
Proposals to legalize recreational marijuana, authorize sports betting and impose new tolls on drivers in Manhattan are just some of the top issues facing New York lawmakers as they return to Albany for their 2019 session.
Assisted-Suicide Bill Back Before New York Lawmakers
Legislation that would authorize people with terminal illnesses to request life-ending drugs from physicians is again before state lawmakers in Albany, though top lawmakers are either skeptical about its chances or firmly opposed.
Bill Would Make New York 1st State to Ban Declawing of Cats
Cat lovers in New York are hoping to score a feline first by making the state the first to ban the declawing of cats – but first they must overcome opposition from veterinarians who insist the procedure must remain a legal, last resort.