As her loved ones mourn their loss, one Ohio woman found a source of comfort in her own passing – by taking a shot at President Donald Trump in her obituary.
Elizabeth "Liz" Smith died Monday at the age of 87, surrounded by her family, who then made her political views well known.
"Liz is smiling now, not to be living during the Trump presidency," her obituary reads.
A member of Huron County Democratic Party and a poll worker, Smith’s daughter told the Sandusky Register that her mother "doesn’t like the man, she never has."
"She had seen that in somebody else’s obituary and kind of made a note of that," said Deborah Lucal.
Smith was a lifetime member of Girl Scouts USA and an avid volunteer, as well as an active member of her church and a travel enthusiast.
Despite Smith’s preference for blue when it came to her politics, Lucal told the Register that her mother requested everyone wear red to her funeral, in celebration of her life.
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Smith was hardly the first to make a political statement in her departure.
A Pennsylvania chiropractor who passed away in Jan. 2016 at the age of 70 had just one request for his mourners: "In lieu of flowers, please don't vote for Donald Trump."
His son told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that he and his brother decided to include the line after seeing a New Jersey woman’s obituary the previous August, asking loved ones not to vote for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
Though commentary came from both sides of the afterlife aisle, one Virginia woman’s obituary broke with the partisan trend in her post-mortem political plea.
"Faced with the prospect of voting for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, Mary Anne Noland of Richmond chose, instead, to pass into the eternal love of God," her May 2016 obituary said.