NJ pet store customer arrested for shooting owner in face with crossbow: BCPO
Cheating on a spouse is no longer a crime in NY after repeal of little-known 1907 law
New York repealed on Friday a seldom-used law over a century old that made it a crime to cheat on your spouse — a misdemeanor that once could have landed adulterers in jail for three months. -
Underwater for decades, stone bridge from 1800s emerges after NJ reservoir emptied
Known locally as the “Ghost Bridge,” neighbors said the stone bridge that is usually under feet of water dates back 200 years. It is still fully intact and now completely exposed, making f... -
Instagram-famous squirrel named Peanut seized by New York state authorities
A New York man who turned a rescued squirrel into a social media star called Peanut is pleading with state authorities to return his beloved pet after they seized it during a raid.
13-foot python seized from New York home
A 13-foot Burmese python was confiscated from an upstate New York man who was keeping the still-growing snake in a small tank, authorities said. The state Department of Environmental Conservation said...