Trouble, the pampered pooch that Leona Helmsley bequeathed $12 million to, died in luxury at age 12.
The Maltese had the rare ability to melt the icy heart of the hotel boss dubbed the Queen of Mean.
When she died in 2007, she left the staggering sum to the pup, even though several of her heirs got zilch.
A judge later knocked the inheritance down to $2 million.
The rich pup had been cared for since her owner's death by the general manager of the Helmsley Sandcastle hotel in Sarasota.
According to the New York Daily News, caretakers spent $8,000 on grooming and $1,200 on food each year for the dog..
Helmsley had wanted the dog interred with her in the family's 12,000-square-foot mausoleum in tony Sleepy Hollow, N.Y., but pets are not allowed there.
Spokeswoman Eileen Sullivan says the dog's remains were cremated.
Funds left over from the dog's care reverted to The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.
Trouble's fortune paled in comparison to that of Gunther IV, a German dog left $372 million by his owner, according to Business Insider.
And a cocker spaniel named Miss Charlie Brown is due $130 million when her South Dakota mining magnate owners die.