NYers Approve of Tim Tebow: Poll

But the Quinnipiac survey found that a majority still think Mark Sanchez should remain starting quarterback

Tim Tebow drew a crowd of about 15,000 to an outdoor Easter church service in Texas on Sunday. The Jets backup quarterback told the gathering that God has a plan for them whether they find themselves the hero or the goat.

Tim Tebow is starting his Jets career with a respectable approval rating among New Yorkers, according to a new poll out Monday.

The Quinnipiac University survey found that 44 percent of those polled have a favorable opinion of the second-string quarterback, while 11 percent say they have an unfavorable view.

Tebow's move from the Broncos to the Jets, announced just last month, may be too recent for some to have an opinion -- the poll of 1,828 adults found that 38 percent haven't heard enough about him to give an answer to that question.

The poll also found that 42 percent of those polled approve of the Jets acquiring Tebow, with 15 percent disapproving.

New Yorkers are still backing starting quarterback Mark Sanchez, though. Of those surveyed, 42 percent say Sanchez should remain the starter, while 16 percent said it should be Tebow.

The poll was taken March 28 to April 2 and has a plus or minus 2.3 percentage point margin of error.

Tebow, who is known for his religious beliefs and can be seen praying on the field during games, drew a crowd of about 15,000 people to an outdoor Easter church service in Texas, where he told worshippers that God has a plan for them.

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