Officials: Synthetic Pot Sends 160 to NY Hospitals in 9 Days

Synthetic marijuana has sent 160 people to hospitals in New York state in a little over a week, a spike that prompted authorities to warn Friday that the drug is dangerous and illegal.

Over 120 emergency-room visits since April 8 linked to synthetic pot — known by "spice," ''K2," ''green giant" and other street names — have been in New York City, its Health Department said Friday. The average earlier this year was two to three synthetic marijuana-related emergency room visits per day citywide.

Statewide, poison control center calls stemming from synthetic marijuana also have risen dramatically, Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office said.

"Synthetic drugs are anything but harmless, and this rash of severe health emergencies across the state is direct proof," he said in a statement.

Other states also have expressed concern. Alabama public health officials said Wednesday that nearly 100 people had been hospitalized for problems linked to synthetic marijuana within the past month. Police in Hampton, Virginia, said one person died and two others were hospitalized after synthetic marijuana overdoses last weekend. In February, over 40 state attorneys general signed a letter asking oil companies to make sure gas station convenience stores don't sell synthetic drugs.

In New York City, the Health Department is issuing reminders to stores that it's illegal to sell synthetic marijuana.

Synthetic marijuana generally consists of dried vegetation coated with chemicals that are supposed to mimic the effects of pot. Some users report that it produces a marijuana-like high, but others experience extreme anxiety, hallucinations, a rapid heart rate, vomiting and other symptoms, the federal National Institute on Drug Abuse says.

The federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration estimates over 28,500 people went to emergency rooms nationwide in 2011 after taking the drug, a fraction of the visits linked to actual marijuana, heroin or cocaine.

"There's no way of knowing exactly what synthetic marijuana contains," making its effects unpredictable, New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett said. She issued a similar warning last summer after 15 people went to E.R.s with bad reactions to the drug in four days.

While the drug's users often are teens and young adults, the median age is 35 in the recent cases in the city, the Health Department said.

Since 2012, New York state regulations have banned selling or possessing various chemicals used to make synthetic marijuana. Store owners and employees can be charged with a crime for selling it.

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