The MTA is looking to get rid of its rat problem by stripping more subway stations of trash cans, but as News 4’s Andrew Siff found out, some commuters think the plan is just plain garbage.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is expanding a pilot program to remove trash cans from subway stations.
The agency says eight more stations -- two each in the Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens -- will become trash-can free on Sept. 2.
It has been testing the plan at two stations: Flushing-Main Street and Eighth Street in Manhattan.
The MTA says the garbage problem was reduced at those stations -- by 67 percent in Flushing, and by 50 percent at the Eighth Street Station -- and that with less trash, there are fewer rats.
But some passengers were skeptical.
"It doesn't make sense. Because where are you gonna put your garbage?" said Annie Greco. "Everybody walks around with coffee and snacks. You need trash cans for that."

The MTA says it's trying to reduce the subway rodent population and the amount of refuse pick-up in the stations. It says it has more trash than it can handle at its 468 subway stations.
It is asking riders at the 10 stations to be part of the solution by taking their trash out with them.
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