An FDNY firefighter and 9/11 cancer survivor donated a van to help fellow firefighters in need of medical care.
Firefighter Jimmy Martinez suffered from a serious cancer in the aftermath of 9/11, but has now been in remission for over a year, the FDNY says.
Martinez, who's based out Ladder 80 on Staten Island, donated the van Thursday to the FDNY Family Fire Transport Foundation, which assists firefighters, family members, and department personnel while they receive medical treatment.
The foundation's work is a reminder of many firefighters and their families who are still feeling the effects of 9/11. In the 15 years since, 126 firefighters have died of 9/11-related illnesses.
Martinez used personal funds to dedicate the van to his fellow firefighters, and he remains grateful for the support that he received.
“I’ve had a lot of help and support throughout this,” Martinez said. “Today I’m happy to pay it forward as this van will help a lot of people.”