Talk about a barnyard foul.
A Connecticut man was arrested Monday night after someone called cops to report he was touching a "horse in a sexual manner and the horse appeared to be in pain," according to a police statement.
(Yes, you read that right.)
Shelton police showed up at the corral where the illicit behavior was allegedly underway and ended up corralling 63-year-old Marian Wegiel in connection with the crime.
Wegiel told officers that a loud noise frightened the horses and he was merely comforting them. He also stated he may have inadvertently put his fingers inside one of the horses. (Oops.)
Cops say three horses were in the corral at the time of the alleged abuse, but it appears only one female horse was touched.
The homeowner called a veterinarian to check up on the horses.
Wegiel faces an array of charges, including animal cruelty, sexual assault, criminal trespassing and breach of peace.
He posted a $500.00 bond and is due back in court Nov. 1.